
Axmark, D., Widenius, M., Cole, J., & DuBois, P.(2001). "MySQL Full-text Search" from MySQL Full-text Search at t ernals.html#MySQL_full-text_search.

The documentation for MySQL, the free database management system used for storing the warp word and definition pairs. MySQL has a reputation for being fast, easy to use, and generally stable. This reference points directly to a description of the full-text indexing feature supported in recent (early 2001) releases.

Revision: [ 2001-04-11 14:08:37 ] [ 2001-04-11 14:09:31 ] [ 2001-04-23 23:57:34 ] [ 2001-04-23 23:58:17 ] [ 2001-08-22 16:38:05 ]

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