March 09, 2005

Making a Date

Dr. Surly the arrival of this flick coincides with the arrival of me. I reckon that means we've got at least one thing we need to do.    (PFR)

Posted by cdent at 06:29 AM | Trackback This | Technorati cosmos | bl

March 01, 2005

Congrats to Kathryn

Kathryn La Barre, a huge influence and inspiration in the realm of things that I find interesting, has recently had her dissertation proposal accepted without revisions. Her topic? The fantabulously complex The Use of Faceted Analytico-Synthetic Theory as Revealed in the Practice of Website Construction and Design .    (PF5)

This ought to be quite interesting as facet analysis gets a fair amount of buzzword play in the web but very few people actually know what it means or how to use it correctly, nevermind effectively.    (PF6)

I miss the multi-hour, coffee-infused, rambling, never-too-sure-what-we-are-talking-about conversations at The Uptown with Kathryn.    (PF7)

Congratulations Kathryn, good luck, I look forward to the results.    (PF8)

Posted by cdent at 08:16 PM | Trackback This | Technorati cosmos | bl