![]() Last 10 changes peermore peermore peermore aboutchris augury socialtext pictures socialtext socialtext aboutchris 122 words 253 defs | weRevision: | thoughts on the meaning of saying "we should X" in conversation with adrian, stan, ding and jeremy -=-=- Identifying a privileged "we" is fallacious, audacious and doomed to collapse. It might be fun, but is positions the "you" that identifies a "we" in an awkward and untenable position of needing to defend your alleged superiority with something other than the threat of violence. Any legitimacy that guns may bring you in the short term will prove false as you are chased down and killed by those things that evolve in response to you. -=-=- | [ Contact ] [ Old Blog ] [ New Blog ] [ Write ] [ AboutWarp ] [ Resume ] [ Search ] [ List Words ] [ Login ] |