Glacial Erratics

Learned Horror

February 17, 2004

ArthurSilber has posted part one in a series of articles he is calling "Roots of Horror":    (2VF)

I have discussed these two stories to make one point above all: in our current cultural climate, people will do almost anything to distract themselves from the issues and the facts that ought to matter. The great majority of people spend almost all their time discussing issues about which it is close to impossible to obtain a complete version of the facts, issues which are largely irrelevant in any case -- when facts which are staring them in the face, and which carry unmistakably significant implications, are completely ignored.    (2VG)

He appears to be headed in the direction of repression of childhood pain as the source of much that is ill in modern culture. I suspect there are ties between his ideas and the issues with learned helplessness, brought up by DavePollard, that I mentioned earlier. I'm curious to see where it goes.    (2VH)

