Glacial Erratics


October 31, 2003

There's a nice line in Quicksilver:    (1OS)

Paris was a city of stone, the color of bone, beautiful and hard--you could dash yourself against it and never leave a mark. It was built, so far as Jack could tell, on the principle that there was nothing you couldn't accomplish if you crowded a few tens of millions of peasants together on the best land in the world and then never stopped raping their brains out for a thousand years.    (1OT)

Things have obviously improved a great deal since then but has the model really changed? These days most, or at least many, folk work so the owners can get rich and it's done with such indirection that it's near impossible to point a legitimate finger of accusation.    (1OU)

Or if you can't stand such sweeping generalities, watch La Haine for a it-hasn't-changed-that-much view of Paris. And a damn fine movie to boot.    (1OV)

