Glacial Erratics

Sig Change II

September 18, 2003

Last time I changed my email signature, I felt like it was important to note it. It had been:    (LM)

then i fantasized the future i want..i wanna be walkin in a crowd smiling n luffin..waving at evryone i one is faking one has hatred hidden in them..evryone's honest frank cool and easy..  T    (LN)

I've changed it again, this time to a KennethRexroth quote    (LO)

The accepted official version of anything is most likely false . . . all authority is based on fraud    (LQ)

suggested by my step-dad.    (LR)

I had been complaining that although the previous signature described a vision of reality that I desperately want, it lacks the aggressive tone that's necessary to reflect where I'm at the moment.    (LS)

Sure, I want everybody to be smiling and loving some day. But at the moment, things need to change, and while smiling and loving would get it over the long term, action needs to happen now and that's going to take some anger.    (LT)

We have in the governments around the world a bunch of small minded liars and ideologues. They spend their time trashing opportunities for change, development and progress with their limited self interest. Read the news.    (LU)

Thanks.    (LV)


On September 25, 2003 03:07 PM Joe Blaylock said:

Sure, I want everybody to be smiling and loving some day. But at the moment, things need to change, and while smiling and loving would get it over the long term, action needs to happen now and that's going to take some anger.  T    (M0)

I'm not convinced that it takes anger. I'm far more inclined to think that it takes personal discipline, and dedication, and a willingness to sacrifice, and a capacity to empathize that seems lacking in the population at large.    (M1)

I believe that when we are honest, we lower the barrier of honesty for everyone: our honesty creates a context of honesty. There may be little incentive to honesty, but we have less incentive to dishonesty, as well.    (M2)

And so forth, with compassion, and mindfulness, and all the rest. I really believe that we can be what we want to create, and that (in fact), this is the only way to create anything at all.    (M3)

My (personal) signature is a quote from the Dhammapada:    (M4)

"You, too, shall pass away. Knowing this, how can you quarrel?"    (M5)
