Glacial Erratics

The Email is Falling!

August 24, 2003

Adam Curry, in Email is Dead, Long Live Email!, declares email broken:    (JT)

Let's face it, email has become unuseable, the latest worm to strike is likely only the tip of the iceberg we're about to collide with. I've never liked the metaphore of an 'inbox', certainly not one that fills up and can't accurately be filtered.    (JU)

At this point I'm willing to try anything that will keep my personal communication channels functioning with the least amount of hassle and zero static.    (JV)

Oh, I bent my wookie. Please.    (JW)

Adam then goes on to suggest private RSS subscriptions for communication between individuals.    (JX)

Some of us rode through that worm "strike" with nary a concern (if we can answer the why of that, then we will have the real answer to the problem). Spam and other unwanted email is certainly a problem, but hardly a reason to jump out of the plane in search of yet another way to bastardize a protocol (RSS) already trying to do too much.    (JY)

Once we get everyone lined up in our little subscriptions, let's then invite them over to our gated communities where they will have to provide a secret key to get in the gate at the front of the neighborhood. Oh sure, you can get the filtered-for-decency and market acceptance public newsfeed outside the gates but don't try coming inside for a real conversation and cup of tea unless you've been granted an audience and proper introductions. "Mr. Curry, there's a Mr. Dent to see you." "Never heard of him, tell him to check the news."    (JZ)

No thanks (I found the Curry posting via TeledyN).    (K0)


On August 24, 2003 11:19 PM mike whybark said:

but check it out: certain corporate IT staffs have decided the best way to deal with this prolem is to close the pob bay doors, and are now uniformly bouncing external email: cough - adobe - cough - state farm.    (K1)

Temporary or not, the response is a wholly predictable one in large corporate environments - and Curry's take wil sound somehow wise, challenge-response based as it it.    (K2)

Your gated communities concept is likelier than you think: good internet for the rich, porn-spam for the poor.    (K3)

On August 25, 2003 12:58 AM Eric Sinclair said:

I'm happy to say our org (probably larger than either of those) did not close the pod doors. We did push the patch to some 30K desktops over a three day and manually patch some ungodly number of NT servers, but we also stayed up - despite a power outage that affected two of our core and several of our auxiliary installations - throughout.    (K4)
